SearchMyExpert Refund Policy

Last update: April 2024


Overview of Refund Eligibility

At SearchMyExpert, your satisfaction is paramount. You may be eligible for a refund under circumstances where the partner agency fails to meet the agreed-upon terms of the contract at any stage of the project. Our approach to handling refunds is rigorous; each case is carefully reviewed by our legal team to ensure fairness and adherence to contractual obligations. Since every project has its own unique aspects and is governed by specific agreements made between the client and the partner agency, the guidelines for refunds may vary. Should you find yourself uncertain or in need of clarification, we encourage you to consult the specific contract for your project or contact your dedicated project manager.

Process for Requesting a Refund

While the funds disbursed for project milestones are generally non-refundable, our primary aim is to ensure your project's success. If an issue arises with a partner agency, we strive first to reassign the project to another qualified agency within our network that can meet your project's specifications and deadlines.

If reassignment is not a suitable solution and you choose to terminate the project, any potential refund will be strictly based on the terms outlined in the initial agreement with the partner agency and the proportion of the project that has been completed satisfactorily. It is important to note that once a project milestone has been approved by you and the corresponding payment has been made to the partner agency, these funds cannot be reclaimed.

We at SearchMyExpert are committed to ensuring that your project expectations are met with integrity and transparency. If you have any questions regarding our refund policy or need assistance with a specific issue, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to support and facilitate a smooth and effective collaboration on our platform.